Friday, September 23, 2016

Hello Lovely,

 That moment you look up into the sky and your eyes aren't big enough to see where the ocean ends and the sky begins.
 I was seeing clearly for the first time in weeks and I felt fully awake to my life. I was looking at these "mini tiny seashells" with my 3 yo from our beach exploration and God quietly spoke to me, "Those mini tiny seashells live in that massive ocean, how much more I love YOU." I was thinking how we are called to love others because Jesus loved us first.
Then yesterday I went to a Mom Group. I looked one up online and just showed up. Yes call me brave, I'll take the encouragement right now. It was bravery for me. This was way out of my comfort zone and I was terrified, and yet peaceful because I know God was nudging me to go. I knew God was opening doors and lining the right things up. I sit down and open the book we're going to be studying and what do I see in chapter one?
....We love because He first loved us....
1 John 4:19
I'm so humbled how God continues to meet us where we're at, through every step of life no matter what we're facing. >>Esther wasn't a great woman because SHE was great, she was great because she kept humbly seeking God in each step of obedience<< Imagine how terrified she felt every single step of the way but she kept humbly seeking God and she kept obeying each small request. All those steps of obedience turned into one great act to bring glory to God's faithfulness.
  So often we compare to the "greats" or women doing "great" ministries, we wonder what's so different about them or we can fall into the trap believing we aren't good enough. No WE are not good enough. We keep trying to be perfect or trying to be better. If only.... we could be perfect parents or a perfect wife or get our act together, maybe if I just dress like "that" woman or act like "that" woman then I can be great too.
The good news is you can STOP TRYING.
Take the pressure off. Take a breath.
There's nothing you can DO accept be yourself, BEE Brave in your obedience when God is asking you to take a step. 
Show up to the Mom Group even if you feel terrified.
If you're naturally doing what you enjoy and being obedient in the small things, you don't know what BIG impact your obedience will make. 

 from the Island 

>>>>>>>>>Bee Brave even when you're terrified

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