Sunday, February 26, 2017

Bee Ministries

I'll be honest, I have no idea what the purpose of this blog is anymore. It has changed and shifted so many times over the years. Seeds have been planted, some have grown and some of have faded into the dirt, maybe others are taking time to bloom.
But here's another seed I'll throw to the wind and see where God wants it to land.
Dreams. We were all born hard-wired to be someone with a special purpose that only we can do. While some are meant to be great speakers, others are meant to be great prayer warriors, others get a great vision to run after. I've known women who never want kids but then God plants the dream on their heart to adopt 5 kids. I've known other women who love to design homes and as their life blossoms over time, they continue pursuing their dream and it blooms into a booming business. By "know" I mean heard stories on the radio or read a book, but I am so inspired by the uniqueness of each woman God specifically designed for a special purpose.

Out of this fascination with the beauty of women came my dream of
>>> BEE Ministries <<<
So many women, myself included, don't always discover their God-given dreams and purpose. They either don't pursue it or don't believe it. In a world where extroverts and outgoing is celebrated, I find there's many women who slink back believing they aren't anything special. They blend into the crowd and fade into the fuzz. Some women might like it there, but other women have so much beauty to offer.
The question is HOW do we pursue what's on our heart? HOW do we find our purpose?

The answer is we BE Still.
God longs for us to just BE. Be with Him. Enjoy Him. Enjoy His beautiful creation. He created us to be human BEings, not human DOings. He created us to Be.
Some seasons we may be learned to BEE Lovely.
Some seasons we're learning to BEE Brave.
Others seasons God says slow down and BEE Still.
It's ok not to stand up in church and sing another song. It's ok to sit and listen (or in my case doodle new ministry ideas). It's ok to sit.
The whole point is God wants our whole heart.
If we have a dream on our heart, the point is to take steps and watch it bloom.

Magnolias take 10 years to bloom.
Daisies bloom in bright sun.
Lilies need a cool winter dormancy before they're ready to bloom.
Evening Primrose blooms at night.
Are you starting to see the point here?
Every flower blooms but every flower has a different growth pattern and different seasons.
It's time we surrender ourselves to listening for God's voice.
His plans for our lives are so much better than our plans.

It is just so incredibly exciting to me how God truly does have a plan and He can change things in our life so fast. SO. Fast. You can feel like your life is pointless, the days can feel endless and then God can open up the floodgates and pour down the blessing. 
He can say wait.. . .wait..  . .ok now it's time.
But we have to have open hearts and be anticipating and listening and ready to obey. 
We have to keep our hands open and loosely hold onto the life we have now because God can say "Now will you go?"

And if you're listening and if you're willing to say Yes, the powerful move of God can wake you up and change your life, and you can >BLOOM< into something unimaginably beautiful.
My 3 yo took this shot on our nature walk and I just thought, "Wow if a 3 year old little boy thinks this is beautiful then I should start believing God can bloom me into something beautiful too."

So what do you think my friend? Will you start BELIEVING too?

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