Thursday, April 16, 2015

Body after Baby.

My first reaction to this picture after my hubs had his fun editing, "Could my thighs BE any bigger?!?" That was my first reaction. Not "ohh look at my sweet messy boys" instead I went straight to attacking myself. I was never the girl who obsessed over my body image, sure I had my "flaws" like anyone and sure it's not my most flattering shot. If God made all our bodies the same and "flawless" that would be boring. Is anyone flawless anyway? 

What I'm realizing is how much our view of our body influences just about every facet of our life. Do we stand in front of the mirror and thank God for EVERY part of our body? Even the extra fat areas post-baby? Do we thank God that we're able to trade in our fit bodies for fat bodies so we could have sweet babies? Maybe normally I would crop out my thighs, maybe I would ask my husband to take the shot from a different angle but then I would be focusing on the PICTURE and not on the MOMENT. This was just a regular ordinary day, a moment after a long day of park playing, snack eating, crying with a dear friend, laughing, running, nap time, more stroller walking, probably some sweating, this was just a moment I threw rules to the wind and I let my 8 month old eat ice cream (and boy did he shove it down his throat, if only we got a shot of that). Is it important to get your fit body back?!? Of course it is dear mama. It's important now so we can be the healthiest, happiest mama to those babies but it's not something to obsess about. 

But it's also SO important to stand in front of that mirror and thank God for that extra roll because that extra roll brought those babies into the world. It is SO important to thank God because then you can BE there for those babies, you can LAUGH with them, PLAY with them, you can keep LOVING your husband through this crazy season, and MOST important you can keep loving YOURSELF. 

Can I get an Amen? Or a thumbs up dude?
Embrace your body after baby and keep enjoying your life.
You'll get your body back, don't even worry. 
For today, there's lots of moments to enjoy.  

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