Thursday, December 3, 2015

Third Baby Bird

Some of you, my lovely friends, have been keeping tabs on when and if the day will come when I get pregnant and the day is here. I still can't believe it, I am so excited to announce baby 3 is coming July 2016.

Babies are truly a gift from God not something we can plan or control and we are so grateful and humbled God is giving us the gift of another baby to add to our nest. I may be a mom who gets pregnant pretty easily but this time I was so incredibly humbled to realize just how much of a gift it is to bring a baby into a family and how much is out of our control. I planned down to the day, I took all the tests, I ate right, I did everything in my human control to make it happen and it still didn't happen when I thought it should happen. I know what it feels like to see negative tests and how it feels to wait weeks for results and a day feels like a week. I know it's God who grows a family and I had to be humbled.

 It's a gift when we can get pregnant. It's a gift when we're given the opportunity to adopt. It's a gift and an honor to raise a child. I was adopted into the family of God at a young age. God calls me His child and that is a gift to be able to say I am a child of God. I've come to a new place of open hands and open heart to whatever family we're given. 
God's heart is for family and adoption. The more I learn about the character of God, the more I learn adoption seems to be that soft spot on His heart. He has this furious love for us and wants so desperately for us to come to Him so we can be called His children. So when we get pregnant or we adopt a child, we must know, we have to know with every fiber of our being what an honor it is that we get to raise a child to know how deeply loved they are by their heavenly Father. That has been the most special lesson I have learned through this 8 month journey of hoping for another baby.

The moment I felt God's love for me surround and permeate my heart, that was the day I saw two blue lines.
God loves me.
He wants me to love my kids with that kind of love.
God loves you.
He just does.

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