Tuesday, December 8, 2015

Just Stare

  Today's Challenge: Go stare at your Christmas tree for ONE hour
Some of you will love this challenge, some of you won't be able to last 5 minutes.
 I dare you. Go sit. Sip some hot chocolate. Let your mind wander into nothingland.
What you can't see in this pic is my 2yo curled up on my lap so I wasn't going to move a muscle. My mind went to nothingland. Sometimes I stare at the tree waiting to be zapped by inspiration, sometimes I'm just in a daze, sometimes I dream of dropping our cozy suburbia life and going wild somewhere out in the world. 
You never know where your mind will wander or what ideas you'll get or a name that may pop into your head that you really need to reach out to. . .  by the way, did you do last week's challenge? I did. I got inspired with a good one and I'll post it for ya now.

Have fun in nothingland for an hour. Let me know what crazy dreams you come up with or maybe just an hour of blankness. That's cool too. All I got for today. Rainy day here. McDonald's playplace and naps kind of day.

 Oh, and a crazy mad scientist too just for fun!! Cuz that's how this kid rolls on a Tuesday.

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