Friday, September 4, 2015

Blooming in Knowledge of Truth

 Today's thought may be a little deep but it may also be the most valuable 5 minutes of your day because this thought is sitting on my heart too heavy not to share. 

The TRUTH whether we are too scared to face it or not, the truth is there are signs everywhere that Jesus is coming soon. Asher seems to pick the story of Noah every night and it's been pounded in my head. These last few days I've been putting myself in Noah's shoes and felt what he must've felt and how it must've been when everyone was laughing at him while he was building the ark. He was called all kinds of names, people were speaking against God, they thought he was crazy and wouldn't hear the truth but Noah didn't waver in his faith or doubt what he was asked to do. If you watch the kid version of the story, you see the faces of people change in an instant from laughing and making fun to complete terror. Noah was right. The truth was revealed. God's Word was fulfilled as Noah proclaimed over and over, but the people WOULDN'T LISTEN. 

I can't help but feel we are in that same time now.
Laws are being changed, Christians are being mocked and put on trial.
People aren't listening to TRUTH being told.
In my time of desiring another baby and waiting month after month, God is showing me the JOY in getting to know Him more. That's what He longs for us, to KNOW HIM. 
What God intends for GOOD, satan tries to destroy.  (John 10:10)
We may think God doesn't hear our prayer, He doesn't see our desire or care about our waiting. That couldn't be more of a lie.  He longs for us to seek truth and find Him.

Yesterday's devotional from She Reads Truth said, "When evil forces work hard to thwart God's purposes, we can be sure something significant is at stake. We know satan is at work to destroy all God's good purposes." We know the truth is Jesus is coming soon which means satan is harder at work than ever before to destroy all God's good purposes and twist all things good and confuse us the best he can. 

That's when we must turn our eyes to Jesus and PRAISE Him.
Be like Noah and not be wavered by what others are saying. We know the truth. 
If you don't know the truth, search for it, pray for it. God WANTS to reveal the truth to you. 
I know the truth and I have no fear of the days to come. 
"She is clothed with strength and dignity;
    she can laugh at the days to come." Proverbs 31:25
 Watch this 2 minute Video 
Praying you find the truth today, dear friend and praying I continue to grow in knowledge of truth!!

"Wisdom is not knowing the answer, it is knowing the God who IS the answer!" Amen.
(She Reads Truth from today)

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