Sunday, January 8, 2017

Lone Flower

I keep thinking about a lone flower standing so tall, lovely and strong.
<<>Be Still and Wait<>>
We want to go out and conquer. We want to go do, be busy, and we don't think there's any value in BEEing still.

Jesus had 12 disciples. 
The night before his crucifixion he had 11.
He asked 3 to follow him to go pray.
8 disciples were left sitting, waiting in the garden.

God brings some lives into the world to do a great work, some to carry a great burden and some simply to BE.
"Jesus is delighted by the sight of them, for through their mere fragrance and beauty they have brought Him joy. And their existence and the preservation of their loveliness in the valley has lifted the Master's heart. So you need not complain if you are one of these flowers." 
(excerpt taken from "Streams in the Desert" p.482)
BEing still doesn't mean doing nothing. When I see a homeless woman it's ok my heart is breaking, that just means I have a heart and I'm feeling what God feels but that doesn't mean I have to go "save the homeless". I don't have to spend my days wishing I was in South Africa doing something valuable with my time or walking the streets preaching the Bible. It's ok to BE a mom and sit in the backyard watching them play. It's ok to feel like you're in a circus of toddlers and diapers and just KNOW God is still in control.

Like right now. It's ok I'm writing this post in the stillness of my house, while all 3 crazy tots are finally napping (thankfully all at the same time believe me that is rare), because my heart is praising Jesus in the midst of the circus and I'm grabbing some stillness when I can get it. 
Sometimes I think I'm just a sitting flower in God's great garden.
I'm not off conquering the world or on some grand adventure preaching the love of Jesus to some people group who have never heard the name Jesus.
A rose can't be a lily.

A fly can't make honey.
A pelican can't sing a bluebird's song. 

What is my song?

 I don't do new year's resolutions, I'm not a goal setter and I'm pretty much a rule breaker. I get bored really quick so I try new things and lose interest a couple weeks later. I don't say that in a bad way. I'm a loyal, committed, my yes will be yes kind of person, but there's a reason I don't set new year goals. I don't set myself up for failure. If I realize my new hobby isn't fun then I'm not pressured to keep doing it. 
I spend January praying and fasting for what God has for me to focus on for the year. 
This year, it feels like a fresh start, a new day.
We were drained to the very last drop in 2016 all the way up until literally New Year's Eve was the first time no one in my house was sick. 
So today I declare this year will be a year of JOY.
A year to BEE still, bee lovely, bee still and wait.
A year to pray and wait.
A year to let God rebuild us stronger.

What is this year going to be for YOU?!?
What is your song? 
Time to find your niche, your voice, your song.

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