Sunday, October 23, 2016


If you've ever compared your inside life to others "glamorous" outside life then listen here, my friend.

I've had several people comment about my glamorous move to a paradise island. 
Everything seems dreamy when you're looking from the outside or focusing on the hardships you're facing in your own life. Anything else looks better than facing your own life.

Here's what I want to say to you friend who is envious of my life.
>>> I'm still living real life <<<
I would rather live inland so I can meet friends who aren't tourists here today, gone tomorrow.
I'm still wiping boogers, grocery shopping, correcting toddlers when they're whiny, tuning out an infant who screams every time we're in the car otherwise I would get in an accident, I'm still a mom, cooking dinner with 'hangry' children, giving baths, chasing my 3 yo at 10pm because he doesn't want to go to bed, facing each day alone while my husband goes to work, I still have to love my husband unconditionally while we get things lined up to move into our house and if you've ever gone through that you know it can be very stressful on a marriage. 
You want to know my truth? Here it is. It's not glamorous. I cry every single day because it's so beyond lonely and feels like when you move everyone has forgotten about you and you're just isolated on a island with 3 toddlers staring at you every morning ready to go play and all you want to do is gasp for air but you drink your coffee, say a prayer and ask for strength to face the day and to find a way to thrive so your kids can have happy memories of this time.
The "glamorous" life isn't reality. It doesn't exist. Nobody has a glamorous life. 
I have to choose to find the joy in my day too.
I have to find contentment in all things too.
I have to pray for a better attitude of gratefulness too.

{ Even if island life seems glamorous, it's just a different way of living }

When I was engaged to my soon to be husband, someone told me "Fighting isn't going to just magically go away, but is he the man you want to fight with for the rest of your life?" Life isn't going to magically become glamorous because you move to an island so where do you want to live your imperfect life? We asked ourselves do we want to live it in a state of endless winters or a state of year-round sunshine? 
We all make choices of HOW we want to live, who we want to marry and we make those choices every day. I have to choose daily to rely on Jesus for strength. I have to choose daily to grow in becoming a great mom, I have to choose daily to love my husband and living in cold Minnesota or on a warm Island doesn't change those choices.
Comparison is the thief of Joy.
So go live your own life and start loving it. 
Embrace the struggle and make the choices.
Me, I'm not going to magically stop crying everyday. I'm just walking through a difficult season, that's just a fact, and those tears and prayers are getting me through. I know it's temporary but isn't that the point? Some seasons wear us out and completely toss us around but if we can keep clinging to Jesus through it that's what matters.
Look it's a new day.
The sun is rising again.
Zane sees the moon disappearing.

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