How are you doing today my friend? I officially survived two weeks in our new home and by home I mean temporary rental unit. We bought a house already. I know crazy right?!? How can I make a huge decision like that in the first week of moving and feeling like I'm in a foggy daze but it was too great a house to pass up. There's no perfect house and I had to give up my dreams in my head but there are times when you realize >>different seasons call for different dreams<< For this season with 3 tots, a huge beautiful Southern charm house with a wrap around porch overlooking the pond isn't exactly ideal. I'm so thankful for our house. I could keep waiting for this "dream" house and hangout in limbo in this rental unit or we can move into a great house and settle in here sooner.
Because these tiny condo rental units, although it's only been two weeks, are already driving us bonkers. I had my breakdown moment. I hadn't showered in two days, or left this condo or put normal clothes on, my hair was a fuzzy mess, Cora wouldn't let me put her down, there's just not much we can do around here especially in a tropical storm so when hubs walked in the door from work I can only imagine what a train wreck he thought I was. The floodgate of tears broke and he ordered me to shower and go out for the night.
I put on my Be Brave shirt, pulled myself together and just went for a drive. This "superhero" mom wasn't so "super" but I'll tell ya wearing that Be Brave shirt does remind me in the midst of all this that we need to take courage if our hope is in the Lord. He brought us here, He will bring us through the hard days. Just like the disciple Peter, he didn't know how to walk on water, but Jesus called him to step out of the boat. It probably seemed like a crazy idea, who walks on water? But I can relate with Peter. Who moves across country with 2 toddlers and an infant? I had no idea how to step out but I knew Jesus would take care of us.

Do you ever feel like you're being asked to step out and do something that seems crazy? You can't handle it, you're not strong, you say to yourself. I've thought all those things a million times the last few months but as we sit on the edge of the boat in that deciding moment to step out or not to we have to decide if we're going to be brave and trust what Jesus is asking us to do or not trust him.
Bee Brave, Be courageous, take heart all who put your HOPE in Jesus.
Psalm 31:24
This "superhero" mom has decided and determined to face each day bravely. Wanna join the Be Brave club? It's not really a club but it could be. Should we make it a club and help each other step out bravely? This night my hubs ordered me to go out I sat at Chick Fil A all. by. myself. It was glorious. I could drink chick fil a sauce and fries by myself without gooby fingers wanting to "share" everything that's mine and I can't say no because then I wouldn't be sharing and teaching toddlers the concept of sharing would be thrown out the window. So me and my brave shirt, we people watched and drank chick fil a sauce all my by myself and then walked around World Market.
What will YOU do bravely today you superhero you and what superhero name would you call yourself?!?
Until next time.
Love, from the Island
>>>>>>>>>Time to buy the shirt and BEE Brave
>>>>>>>>>Time to buy the shirt and BEE Brave