Sunday, May 8, 2016

Lemon Bathroom.

This bathroom was in nasty bad shape. It had a creamy color on the walls that looked more like a dried coffee stain on a book. It was just moldy looking so I went to the opposite extreme and thought FUN COLOR. . . yes! Let's do a bright GREEN! Right?
Instead of being cheerful and bright, it made the small bathroom look even smaller and darker.

 So we got the paint color right. . . eventually but I'll get to that in a minute. The floor just had to go. Yuck! One bathroom for all of us, giving two toddlers baths in this filth, we had to see what was under the buckling laminate tiles.
 Doesn't it feel so good when you discover the original wood floors underneath? So my handsome, I mean handy husband refinished them to match the rest of the flooring and they turned out beautiful.

 It all came together and the Lemon Bathroom is all done and we love it.

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