Thursday, March 17, 2016

Think Spring.

Monotony. Hum drum de dum. Routine. Ordinary.
This can so easily become the words we use as stay at home moms.
Minnesota moms know how long winter months can feel, but I'm realizing the precious gift in the stillness of those winter months, as brutal as they can be.
Today was the definition of monotony.

Poopy diapers, spilled smoothies, crashing toy cars, wet shirts, one thing after the other, relentless never ending toddler woes. 
I was up early this morning reading my devo.. . .
"O restless heart- beating against the prison bars of your circumstances and longing for a wider realm of usefulness- allow God to direct ALL your days. Patience and trust, even in the midst of monotony of your daily routine, will be the best preparation to courageously handle the stress and strain of a greater opportunity, which God may someday send." 
 (Streams in the Desert)

Of course, I quickly forgot these words in the whirl of cheerios, spilled milky, and getting out the door. Truth is God has put me here right now. It's not the mothering that wears me down, it's the monotony. It's the long winters. It's the lack of inspiration. It's the passionless days that blur into weeks. 

I want to Bee fully present with my boys, fully fun, fully embracing the little joys with them.
The monotony. The waiting. The stillness.
It's all worth the wait to rely on God for strength in the quiet days and experience His goodness on the great days. There's so much HOPE and so much joy when we actually do put our trust in Jesus. 
Seriously! Every. .day there's been spurts of sunshine but it's mostly been gloomy. And yet every morning the birds are chirping, the bluebirds perched on the cold, lifeless branches seem to be cheering us on toward brighter days, urging us to HOPE for the future and enjoy the simple pleasures of today. God has a way of shifting and moving our path to the unknown and unexpected if we're faithfully living today.

"Create in me a pure heart, O God, and renew a right spirit in me." Psalm 51:10
Don't let the monotony and gloom shred away your JOY. Just know there are brighter days to come and there's much value in enjoying today. 

O restless heart. . . be patient and trust. Today God is preparing you a little bit more to courageously handle what He may give you later... . . . so go squeeze that crazy tot of yours, think Spring and cling to hope. 
Never know what blossoms come with Spring.

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