Today's Challenge: Sit in the beautiful Spring sunshine and write down your dreams. You may need to be like a little kid at the beach again and really dig them up
Proof it's officially Spring, there's buds on the trees. The bluebirds sung their way through to brighter days. Now it's time to test your strength from the long winter months and see how much your trust is in God's goodness. If we claim to put our faith in Him then we have to believe He fulfills the promises He gives. With new life in the air, we have to believe what God says is true. He promises to renew us, to put us high on wings of eagles, to give us a new morning.
God gives each of us different blessings and different dreams, a different path to walk so we can grow in our faith and bring Him the glory. IF we're only doing things each day that feel safe, staying on one secure path our whole lives, buying things with money we know we have then we're NOT. living. in. faith.
I'm not saying go buy a big screen tv simply because you dream of a bigger screen tv on the wall and spend money you don't have, I'm saying if God is nudging you to go somewhere or give money to someone then break out that secure wall, take that step of faith and spend it.
Blessed is she who believed that the Lord would
fulfill His promises to her. Luke 1:45
If your dreams are clearly written out, you're putting your whole trust and faith in Jesus to fulfill those dreams, if those dreams are His will then STEP out in faith and believe they will be fulfilled. When you get your tax return money, do you spend it on something safe like monthly bills or do you put it into a dream you know God wants to bless you with?
Sometimes there's a reason God gives specific dreams.
Sometimes it's purely to give good gifts.
Sometimes it's purely to give good gifts.
Sometimes it's to put you on the next step in the right direction.
And miraculously the money is ALWAYS there when we step out in faith and we're pursuing God's dreams for our lives.
He doesn't want us to sit stagnant and safe.
He wants us to trust Him and leap.
I had a longing, a dream in my heart for a little girl. I wasn't mentally stuck on the timing. I was completely content adopting down the road or having more boys, whatever God's will for our family and then soon after my second son I got pregnant with our little girl.
I believed God's promise to me and it was fulfilled.
I have to believe God's promises are true and His Word is alive and powerful, otherwise there's no point in calling myself a Christ follower. We're not rich people by American standards, we have a bucket list of house projects and need to upgrade to a bigger vehicle for our growing family, but I have this dream to live by the ocean and let my kids run free in God's beautiful creation so we're taking a HUGE step of faith and taking that money to visit a beach town next month. I don't know where God will lead us in this dream but we have to pursue it and push some doors.
We're saying "Ok God, here we are open hands, open to Your dreams and plans for our lives, here's the dream of my heart, take it and do Your will with it."
I challenge you lovely friend, write down your dreams, trust God with them and start taking steps of faith. Ruffle some feathers in your comfortable life and see what God has next for you and your family.
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