Tuesday, February 2, 2016

Love Letter

 Today's Challenge: Put your pen to paper
I've been thinking over these last weeks of Grow with Love that I miss the good 'ol fashioned snail mail route of getting letters. Back in the day when I was growing up and I actually got a piece of mail, it was a letter from a pen pal or a birthday card or just a note from someone thinking of me, it was the highlight of my week. Or at camp every year, mom would send a letter everyday. Don't you remember what it was like to get a handwritten note? You couldn't wait to open it and read through the words.
The best letters were when I was dating my husband and he was gone in Europe for the summer.
It's a snowy day here and I say today is as good a day as any to sit down and hand write a good old fashioned letter from the heart. Handle with care, put it in an envelope, apply a stamp and stick it in your mailbox. Don't forget to put up the red flag and let it be sent off with love.

Hmm. . . a pen pal sounds fun too. . .

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