So how do we find the woman we are and discover
God's beautiful potential for us?
God's beautiful potential for us?
Well, I don't know how God works or how He will bring out the beautiful potential, but I do know it starts with reading the Bible, reading books by beautifully written authors, and learning from the women around you.
I am loving this book as I pray and prepare for little Asher to come in May. It is beautifully written and supported with Scripture.
Our values tell us what is important, worthwhile, and desirable. Values direct our life and put us on a path. We value certain things and go the direction we want to go, but God turns man's values upside down.
"What is highly valued among men is detestable in God's sight" (Luke 16:15)
"What is highly valued among men is detestable in God's sight" (Luke 16:15)
1. God values Character
"Man cares about externals, but God cares about inner qualities. Man values beauty, brains, wealth and power; God values a pure heart. Integrity and faithfulness have greater value to God than success. He says, 'The unfading beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit is of greater worth than a pretty face and nice clothes (1 Peter 3:4). It is more important to be beautiful inside that outside."
Are we cultivating who we are by spending time reading the Bible?
2. God values Time
"Physical holding and carrying of the infant turns out to be the most important factor responsible for the infant's normal mental and social development." The absent mother might leave a greater void in a child's life than we realize. There are things in life that rob our time of what is valuable; housework, careers, hobbies etc., all great things in themselves, but rob us of our time to invest in our husband and children.
How much time are we spending with the people we care about?
I won't sit here and summarize the whole chapter for you, but Jean Fleming is a wife, mother, writer, speaker and missionary, and her words of wisdom are worth
learning from.
learning from.
Jean said one thing that really stuck out to me, "It isn't the creative ideas or the great insights that lie at the heart of mothering, but the mother's commitment and willingness to pay the price. She must be willing to invest time in cultivating a heart and lifestyle that will make her values a reality in the lives of her children." What am I doing NOW to cultivate my values in myself so I can cultivate them in my son? Did it ever cross my mind that maybe God has me home to teach me, to tame my heart, to prepare me for what's next? To prepare me to be a mom?
Is that my lightbulb #3?
Time is a sweet gift and we don't have much of it in this life. Emerson says it best, "Rings and jewels are not gifts, but apologies for gifts. The only true gift is a portion of thyself." There is nothing I am more clear about than wanting to give my son the gift of myself and that requires giving my sweet time.
I'm going to keep digging in Scripture to see what else God values.
And the book says to list 5 values that I want to succeed in.
1. Obey the Lord God and you will be blessed (Deut. 28)
2. Spend quality time with my husband and (soon) son (Luke 10:38-42)
3. Love others selflessly (Matt. 20:26-27)
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