One month has passed. Hi my lovely friend. I realize I said I'd pen pal you every week and who knows what surprises would show up on our journey South. I said I'd give a home tour, write to you about how I survived with 3 tots, share the warm weather but here I am starting this post and deleting it a thousand times. Nothing seems worth writing home about. I wrestle with being quiet, being still, listening and feeling like I have a voice as a mom with three tots and that reality has hit. . . hard.
It's so easy as a mom to get caught up in the whirlwind starting at 7am child alarm, no sorry I take that back, starting at 3am baby hungry alarm, oop wait I take that back, starting at 11:30pm after putting the boys down to bed for the 12th time, are we back to yesterday? It's easy to get caught up in the whirlwind and I underestimated how empty my tank would go through these last months. I over-confidently said I would be fine moving and don't get me wrong, I have loved taking the leap, but I couldn't foresee how much of myself I would lose in the process.
My sweet mama friend, right now go ask your husband if you can
have a night out.
have a night out.
There's something beautiful and powerful that happens when you don't have 3 littles clinging to you and you don't have a mental responsibility to keep tabs on them every second of the day and you don't have laundry to change or dinner to make. All you have is snuggly scarf, your computer and a warm Caramel Latte with no distractions, just peace and quiet and then you're filled again with ....Joy.
I fought for that quiet time in the morning then Cora arrived then the move happened. I was demanding nap times to be had. I was desperate for time with Jesus but that quiet time seemed to be slipping further and further away with the wind. I had lost my footing and before I knew it my whole day was filled with "kid stuff", people visiting, if I couldn't find solid ground, I was going to try desperately to get my kids grounded. The problem with only putting others before yourself is pieces of yourself slowly get widdled away until you're nothing but a toothpick.
Go find your Joy again. Take it back.
<><><><><> Enthralled <><><><><>
You know what it's like running on fumes, I've been sputtering along, but what I'm completely amazed and enthralled with through this last month in our new house is the JOY in my kids. They point me to Jesus, the innocent, exuberant joy we have in Jesus. I'm supposed to be their firm rock, their security establishing boundaries and manners, teaching them truth and Bible, and here they are teaching me and keeping me strong.
The beauty of a relationship with Jesus is He doesn't condemn us for making mistakes or running ourselves down to fumes or losing ourselves. He is completely enthralled with us. If we just stop for a moment and really think about that. . . Jesus . . .is. . . the reason we celebrate Christmas. He. . .is. . .the reason we can have Joy.
He . . .is.
He . . .is.
He wants us to KNOW Him
To be WITH Him
To Be Still and Know He . . .is. . .God.
Our world can be buzzing but if we find our way back to sitting in the presence of Jesus (yes, it can even happen at Starbucks!) then we can find overwhelming peace that passes understanding.
Isn't that so incredibly, unbelievably exciting? That we can have a joyful relationship with the God of the Universe, the God who sent His only son Jesus to accomplish the final hour on the cross FOR US so we wouldn't have to live in despair anymore or live in depression or live in pain or live in discouragement. We can stop the buzz and whirlwind and fix our eyes of Jesus. THAT is something to celebrate. He is why we celebrate.
Isn't that so incredibly, unbelievably exciting? That we can have a joyful relationship with the God of the Universe, the God who sent His only son Jesus to accomplish the final hour on the cross FOR US so we wouldn't have to live in despair anymore or live in depression or live in pain or live in discouragement. We can stop the buzz and whirlwind and fix our eyes of Jesus. THAT is something to celebrate. He is why we celebrate.
We can say "Jesus I need you, please slow down my crazy, please remind me what Joy looks like again, please give me a firm footing again so I can be strong for my kids not the other way around. Thank you for shining your innocent, pure, love and joy through my exuberant children. Thank you for sustaining me through difficult transition. Thank you for letting me utter your sweet name when I'm so weak. Thank you for letting me rest in you when I'm so worn out. Thank you for taking my place on the cross.
And suddenly I can fully appreciate my surroundings again, I can embrace this beautiful weather and savor every last drop of this Latte and smile joyfully knowing I am fearfully and wonderfully made and loved.
Ahhhh.. . . . drink it in.
Where is your foundation today?!?
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