Tuesday, January 12, 2016

Pink Lipstick and Paris

Today's BLT Challenge: Add some Pink Lipstick and Paris in your day

I've been reading "Longing for Paris" and Sarah Mae talks about Parisian women being the most beautiful women in the world. They're the most beautiful because they KNOW they're beautiful. They're confident in their beauty. They aren't staring in the mirror and picking apart themselves, they probably aren't letting people's comments bring them down or media attack them as a woman. 
So I thought it's about time to bring a little Parisian beauty into my day. I'll put on some pink lipstick, spritz some sweet parfum and be silly. Friend, It's Tuesday and it's a great day to start a fresh new week, let go of your case of the Mondays and feel a bit more confident about yourselves.
There really is something so lovely about a woman who isn't concerned about what others think and knows who she is and how beautiful she was made. We don't have to be conceited about it but we can certainly be confident. God, the Master Artist, made us, created us to be lovely. 

"Longing for Paris" has been such a great read. I would love to jump on a plane and explore the world, but for now I have little littles and we live in cold Minnesota, and yes we could travel if the opportunity came up, but in the meantime how do we make the best of cold weather and bring a little Paris to Minnesota? More on that next week. . .

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