Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Hot topic: Birth control.

Do you REALLY trust in God?

We were asked before we got married if we had talked about children and when we want to start a family. After we were married, we were told to get all our travelling in, have all the good sex we could get, go on as many dates as possible before we have kids. And then when we were to start thinking about kids to make sure all our finances were in order, our debt was paid off, we had some savings securing us. 
When does the madness stop I would ask Sam.
Do people even trust God would provide?I

I was on birth control in high school for medical reasons and then again later in preparation for marriage. I believed everything people were telling me. I believed Doctors when they said it was best option.

Birth control is over prescribed and women are under informed.

Yes, my beautiful friend, I am talking about the hot button of birth control.

Not long after our wedding, I had a strong personal conviction everyday I would swallow my pill. It literally felt like I was swallowing poison and I wanted to throw it back up. I had this strong feeling impressed on my heart-- when did I start thinking I had the right to play God and plan and prevent when I had children? 

That was a very terrifying thought. I immediately stopped taking the pill and started seeking God for His plan for our lives. I can't say how many kids we want or when we'll have them. Every time I try to plan, I get humbled to my knees. I've shared stories of how God has provided for us in very unlikely situations. My husband has been out of work close to 30 days in this record high cold winter, I don't work and I'm expecting baby 2. 
Do I TRULY trust God will provide? 

That's just my personal story and you have your story, but if you want to learn with me then let's look at scripture and learn together to see if what "people" say lines up with scripture.

Does the Bible clearly say birth control is wrong? No. 
Am I judging you for taking birth control? Absolutely not.
But let's just see God's heart for a minute.

God's heart is for children above all else.
"Behold, children are a gift of the Lord; the fruit of the womb is a reward. Like arrows in the hand of a warrior, so are the children of one's youth. How blessed is the man whose quiver is full of them" (Psalm 127:3-4).
What is our attitude toward children?
Children are a gift and a blessing if we're open to accepting the blessing.  

God's heart is for us to be fruitful and multiply.
"And God blessed them; and God said to them, 'Be fruitful and multiply, and fill the earth, and subdue it; and rule over the fish of the sea and over the birds of the sky, and over every living thing that moves on the earth (Genesis 1:28).'
We need to be wise and diligent in seeking God's will for our individual lives. Some of us are meant to have 2, some of us would be great parents to 12, some adopt, some can't have kids, some shouldn't have kids, some don't have luxury to plan when and how many kids, but the question is--
Will we still trust and rely on God if he wants our family to be a family of 5 kids or more?

And that only skims the surface of God's heart for family but my challenge to you is to open your mind, open your heart to what God may have for you. 
It breaks my heart to hear a mom say she doesn't want to try for a third unless she was guaranteed a son. What if God meant for that third child to grow up and be the next Esther or the next world changer? But that mom put a stop to it. Just a thought.

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