Thursday, November 7, 2013

Lot's wife.

We have the power as wives to tear our husbands down or build them up.
God made us helpers for our husbands.
Lot's wife was an example of what NOT to do. She was a wife who influenced her husband in the wrong way. Lot had the opportunity to be a good man and follow what he knew God was telling him to do. He was a blessed man. He was given family, life-giving relationships, land to farm and he was still divided and distracted.
Distracted by his wife who loved worldly pleasures, money and greed.
She basked in her selfishness.
She claimed she loved God but she loved money more.
She encouraged her husband to love worldly things with her.
The Bible says there is no place for greed, immorality or impurity among God's people (Ephesians 5:3) or to guard against greed (Luke 12:15). We can't love God and love money (Matthew 6:24).
Let's get right down to the dirty truth.
Lot's wife bugs me.
We should be cheering for our husbands, speaking life-giving words in his ear, training our children to be respectful and fear the Lord. We should be praying our husbands through difficult decisions and lovingly nudging him back toward Christ when he's making a wrong decision. And here's Lot's wife doing none of that. She's doing the opposite. She's begging her husband to join her in sin.
They had an opportunity to be in life-giving friendships with Abraham and Sarah, to walk in blessing, but they took it for granted. We have to fight for friendships like that, not take them for granted. We have to fight for God-centered marriages and families, not treat them lightly.
Are you a life-giving friend or life-sucking?
Do you fight FOR the life-giving friendships in your life?
Do you fight for your husband and your family?

My beautiful purple friend, we can't be divided. We must fight for what is good and fight for Godly relationships. This for me, is a moment captured of what I am fighting for-- passionately loving the GOD who created this great earth,
  passionately loving my husband for the good man he is, and cherishing my son for the little sweet boy he's growing to be.

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