Wednesday, June 19, 2013


Real life scenario. I have been consumed with worry about a family situation, my emotions have been hypersensitive post-partum, my husband has been extra busy, there seemed to be no break in our schedules, we always seem to have only just enough groceries for the week, our budget is always squeaking by, he had a day off work which means a smaller check and then I tried on my wedding ring and it still didn't fit. That was the cherry on top and my mind went on overload like a losing game of tetris. Everything built up and toppled over. My hubs followed me around the apt trying to solve my worries but I locked myself in the bathroom to pace.
Then it all came clear. . . I was more discontent than I realized and I had the choice to dwell on the negative or deal with it.
Dwell or deal.
Can you relate?
On a walk, I thought about this concept of discontentment. We live in a world where everyone is discontent with something.
Who we are, where we're at, our stage of life, how much money we have or where we live, our family situation, not enough clothes, the list goes on. Life builds up and we can freak out or we can pray. If we constantly think about what we don't have, like Linda Dillow says, "What we are on the inside, what we continually think about, eventually shows in our words, actions, and even on our countenances." I'm reading Calm My Anxious Heart By: Linda Dillow with a girls book study and Jesus says we have a CHOICE to be anxious or to pray. We can give him our worries or continue to dwell on them. We can dwell on the positives or on the negatives. I'm not exactly sure what it truly means to give our worries to Jesus.
What does that practically look like in our world?

 In my moment in the bathroom pacing, I saw the choice. It means I can't love my family in my own strength. I can't change my circumstances. I need to give up those worries and thoughts that pull me down, give them to God then I can have the freedom to enjoy what's going on today. That's what it means. I literally opened my mouth and said a prayer. In the moment, it is NOT easy. But I literally felt weights pushing me down and I needed to give my worries to God. Say a prayer through clenched teeth if you have to, "God, I can't handle this anymore, please show me a ray of hope, please help me open the door of the bathroom, please take these worries and you figure them out. I can't figure them out. I can't fix my situation or change my circumstances today, but I can enjoy today while you fix them. Amen." 
 Two months ago (the night before Asher was born), we were sitting at this spot, snow on the lake and wishing the sun would come out and I wouldn't have to be pregnant anymore. Now here we are with our sweet boy wishing we lived somewhere
more exciting.
Never content. Always something else.
I think we're like that because we dwell on the negatives in our life rather than the positives.
I think we're like that because when we dwell on those thoughts, everything seems to pile on and the walls seem to cave in around us and it seems hopeless. We don't see a way out, but the wonderful truth is God gives us a way out.
He says we can cast our burdens on Him (Matthew 11:30), He says we can be anxious about nothing and pray about everything (Philippians 4:6-7).
Easier said than done I know. But we're here for 80 or so years to enjoy God's beautiful earth and share His good news, and then we go to heaven. We can't accomplish anything or be joyful if we're consumed with worry. We need to learn to be content while we're here so we can focus on the task in front of us today and that is to tell people what Jesus did for us. That is, practically, to get off your butt, go take a shower, and joyfully enjoy your day, go garage saling, meet someone at a coffee shop, whatever, tell someone what Jesus did for you.
 Jesus died for me.
HE saved me from a life of hopelessness and boredom. I tend to focus on the negatives in my mind that God doesn't want good things for me, God doesn't have a plan for my life, my life is pointless but that's all lies. The truth is God does have good things (John 10:10) and God does have plans (Jeremiah 29:11) and I can share that with people I meet each day. God didn't say this life would be easy or we would get everything we want, but He said He would be with us along the journey. If we can give up our worries to Him then we can have the freedom to live today.
Enjoy God's beauty. Take walks. Be content. Focus on the positives.
Because Solomon says in Ecclesiastes that it's "all vanity" and none of it matters. The worries of our day, the things that bring us down, the car we drive, the house we live in, it's all vanity and none of it matters in the end. What matters is loving the unlovable, serving and giving of yourself, being a helpful wife, a selfless mother, a loyal friend and thanking God for all He's done for us and all we have.
My positives-- I have a pretty awesome, loving husband. I love being a mom to sweet Asher more than anything. I'm blessed to be home. I live in a country where I can pray and read my Bible freely. I live close to lakes and enjoy many sunsets. I choose to go garage saling today.
What are the positives in YOUR life? 

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